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roles and responsibilities

Board of Library Trustees

The Board of Library Trustees is the chief policy making entity for the Library and has the powers and duties set forth in Sections 3-7 and 6-7 of the Town Charter and Chapter 61 of the General Bylaws. Specifically, the Board

  • Adopts high-level library policies and strategic plans.
  • Does not approve union contracts or job descriptions or engage in other day to day operations and personnel matters at the Library, and
  • Board members do not represent or otherwise speak for the Board unless specifically authorized by vote of the Board.
  • Reviews the Library Director’s annual budget request, makes recommendations, and officially adopts the recommended budget.
  • Has custody and management of the Library buildings, including decisions related to closures and operating hours.
  • Approves spending of monies from Library trust funds.
  • Reviews reports prepared by the Library Director and represents the community and advocates for the Library at both the local and state level.
  • Sets meeting agendas, takes accurate minutes, and approves and posts minutes in a manner consistent with the Open Meeting Law; the Board’s minutes and agendas will be posted on the Town of Dedham’s website.

The Board of Library Trustees can be reached at

Library Director

The Library Director manages and has supervisory authority for the Library, the staff, and daily operations. Specifically, the Library Director:

  • Hires and manages all Library staff.
  • Handles all staffing issues with the help of the Dedham Town Manager and Human Resources Department.
  • Develops and implements general library procedures that uphold the Library’s high-level policies and strategic plans.
  • Develops the Library’s budget for Board of Library Trustees approval; once approved, the Library Director is responsible for implementing the budget and for day-to-day decisions related to the budget.
  • Prepares the Annual Report Information Survey (ARIS) and Financial Report in compliance with Massachusetts General Law.
  • Carries out roles and responsibilities identified in their job descriptions and any applicable Library and Town-wide policies and procedures.

Organizational Chart and Position Updates

In Fall 2024, the Library implemented a new organizational chart to improve efficiency. Previously, all staff reported directly to the Library Director, leading to delays in task completion and issue resolution. Under the new structure, the Program and Outreach Manager now oversees the Librarians and the Marketing and Program Specialist, while the Circulation and Collection Manager supervises the Library Assistants, including Sunday staff.

At this same time, all job descriptions were reviewed and updated to align with the organizational changes, remove inconsistencies and redundancies, and accurately reflect each position's responsibilities.

Town Manager and other Town Functions

  • Hires and evaluates the Library Director and approves the Library Director’s employment contract.
  • Develops and administers Town-wide personnel policies; monitors and assists with Library personnel matters.
  • Responsible for emergency closures.
  • Supports the operations of the Library by providing Town-wide services, such as technology support and custodial services.
  • Negotiates with the Library Collective Bargaining Unit.
  • The Select Board authorizes expenditure of all monetary gifts/donations to the Library.

Library Staff and Facility Staff Assigned to the Library

  • Implements high level policies and procedures approved by the Board of Trustees as directed by the Library Director and in accord with applicable Library policies and procedures.
  • Carries out rules and responsibilities identified in their respective job descriptions and any applicable Library and Town-wide policies and procedures.
  • Provides a positive patron experience.
  • Reports concerns to the Library Director including but not limited to personnel, employment, patrons and facilities.